We are currently seeking your feedback on the draft Detailed Design Guidance, which will set out how Dunton Hills Garden Village will look and feel in the future. Have your say here. The Guidance delves into the detail of the architectural design, parking, transport, public spaces, landscape, street design, health and education, legacy, sustainability and innovation.

This report summarises the co-design process which was conducted by Brentwood Borough Council and HTA Design LLP during the period which the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was produced, ranging from February 2020 to October 2020. The data collected from the co-design process has been used to inform and shape the Design Guidance.

A draft Framework Masterplan Document has been prepared by CEG who are the main land promoter for the village, in collaboration with Brentwood Borough Council and other technical stakeholders. It sets out the broad development principles of the village which will guide how the detailed work for the Detailed Design Guidence comes forward. This document takes into consideration policy set out by the council in the draft Brentwood Local Plan.  CEG also held a consultation in 2016 and September 2018 in relation to the portion of land within their control. For more information about the Framework Masterplan Document, visit https://www.dunton-hills.co.uk This document is also available for comment as a background document to the detailed design guidance here.

Please find below our previous activities for young people to take part in. We are now using them as development resources for our youth programme.


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